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Sunday 20 July 2014

Tabqaat Ibn-e-Saad

His name was Muhammad Ibn Sa’ad ibn Mani Az Zuhree and his kunya was Aboo Abdullah, more popularly known as Ibn Sa’ad. He was the mawala of Banu Hashim. He is one of the greatest authorities on Islamic history and Muslim biography. Ibn Sa’d is said to have been born in 148 AH in the city of Basra which is now in present day Iraq, and he died in 230 AH. He moved to Baghdad to further his Islamic knowledge and he resided there for the majority of his life. Among the scholars that he benefited from immensely was Muhammad ibn ‘Umar Al Waqidee (d. 211 AH). He is one of his strongest pupils and is also known popularly as the scribe or secretary of Al Waqidee. He also visited Kufa and Madeenah in his quest for knowledge and many authorities have testified to his reliability and scholarship in the field of history and biography.


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